See how easily you can sell your own home in today's market!
Give Me 45 Minutes And I'll Make Sure You're Armed With Insider Tips, Tricks, And Tactics For Selling Your Home FAST For The Best Price Possible!
Thinking about selling your house without a real estate agent?
It can be done and the truth is, many people do it very successfully. But there's a trick to it that not everyone grasps.
What's the secret? Just like in anything else: knowledge is power! Soldiers don't go to combat without orders, plans, maps and guns. Entrepreneurs don't create profitable businesses without knowledge of the market. Surgeons don't go into the operating room without knowledge of their patient.
And now - you'll be able to sell your house armed with the knowledge of a professional real estate agent. I've got over one hundred tips that will be your ammunition. The housing market is hot and it's time to make a fortune with...
101 Tips For Selling Your Home!
Free Ebook :101 Tips for Selling Your Home
di 13.02 1 komentar
Label: Free Ebook, Money Making, Property
Free Ebook : Perfect Handbook For Imperfect Dog Owners
Dogs are an integral part of human society on every inhabited continent on Earth. They drive livestock and protect it; police property; scent and detect illicit substances; haul sleds; retrieve game; guide the blind; search for and rescue the lost and injured; comfort the lonely; hear for the deaf; or simply add a sparkling natural reality to the lives of hundreds of millions of people throughout the world.
As we move from an agrarian to an urban culture, dogs are in many ways one of our last and most important links with the natural world. We get pleasure from caring for our gardens and for our pets.
This e-book on “Perfect handbook for imperfect dog owners” emphasizes the pet owner to offer good care to his or her pet and also gives solutions for unresolved problems.
Table of contents:
1. Understanding ingredients
2. Dogs need different diets at different ages
3. Vitamin and mineral supplements
4. Boredom and variety
5. Cost of feeds
6. Dry Vs. Canned food
7. Home made diets
8. Food allergies
9. How much should I feed my dog?
10. How often should I feed my dog?
11. Signs of Ill health
12. Heart worm, fleas and other parasites
13. Heart worm prevention
14. Common questions about heart worm
15. Fleas and other parasites
16. Do parasites cause “Scooting”?
17. Preventing dental disease
18. Home dental care
19. Veterinary dental treatments
20. The importance of the physical examination
21. Why are regular check-ups important?
22. What happens during an examination?
23. How often should my pet be examined?
24. How to administer medicine
25. Nursing a sick dog
26. Vaccinations
27. Common questions about vaccinations
28. Spaying and neutering
29. Spaying of the Female dog
30. Surgical neutering of the male dog
31. Pet health insurance
32. Clipping a dog
33. First steps in grooming
34. Bathing a dog
35. Pet Identification
di 13.01 0 komentar
Label: Animal, Free Ebook
Free Ebook : Fast Selling Software
Fast Selling Software Offers Quality Software Products You Can Use or Resell To Others For A Profit!
Get 23 fast selling programs you can sell and keep all the profits from. It's so easy, it's like printing money... You have to see this software package to believe it!
Fast Selling Software is the ultimate collection of quality software that you can use yourself and also sell to others. You keep all the profit! You get 23 quality software titles included, all of which you get resell rights to, so you can profit from every sale!
We give you Full Resell Rights to ALL the quality programs.
Sell them, re-package them or use them yourself.
In my 20+ years involved with programming and software development, I have never seen a quality collection of software like this made available for sale for such a low price!
Not only can you choose to sell these popular and fast selling programs to others, but you can also give them away as bonuses, by including the entire package or individual programs, along with other software or products you are selling, to help increase your product sales.
And unlike many of the other software and Ebook packages out there, you only need to distribute one small file when selling or giving away the entire Fast Selling Software package. No lengthy, complicated downloads or high bandwidth and server space concerns!
I was careful not to throw every software package available out there into this package, but only to include what I believe to be the "Fast Selling" software titles: those which are in the most demand, are of high quality, and which you can sell to others for a profit.
Every penny you make from selling the individual software programs or from selling the entire Fast Selling Software package is yours to keep! Once you've paid for the program, you get the rights to resell all the programs together or separately plus this web sales page.
I'm not going to give you a long sales pitch, but rather I will let the programs in the Fast Selling Software package speak for themselves.
Of course, I believe you will also enjoy using these programs yourself for years to come. Even if you choose not to resell or give away copies of this software to others, you can rest assured that for the low price you paid for this fantastic software package, you could have only bought one or two of the programs contained in the package at retail prices.
I encourage you to order today to take advantage of this specially priced offer to get your own copy of Fast Selling Software today. You can begin using this program right away!
di 12.57 0 komentar
Label: Free Ebook, Software
Free Ebook : The Ultimate Collection Of Herbal Tea Remedies
This information sold on eBay as A Beginners Guide To Outsourcing EBOOK a beginner's guide to outsourcing E-Book A Beginners Guide To Outsourcing Outsource Ebook!Details The ebook can be downloaded here
di 12.52 0 komentar
Label: Free Ebook, Job
Free Ebook : 101 Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score
This information sold on eBay as
101 Legitimate Tips for Boosting Your Credit Score
101 Tips for Legally Improving Your Credit Score
Legally Repair Credit Score: 101 Essential Tips ~ eBook
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.18 2 komentar
Label: Financial
Free Ebook : How to Set-Up a Family Budget
This information sold on eBay as
Family Budget Leads You Out Of Debt save MONEY MRR
How to Set-Up a Family Budget Ebook. Free Delivery
How To Setup a Family Budget eBook - Amazing Guide!
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.17 0 komentar
Label: Family, Financial, Money Making
Free Ebook Your Very Own Article Directory
This information sold on eBay as
Your Very Own Article Directory
Your Very Own Article Directory & Resell Rights!
Adsense Money Machine! Your very Own Article Directory
Your Very Own Article Directory - Cranking Out Adsense Income Day & Night
The file can be downloaded here
di 13.15 0 komentar
Label: Money Making
Free Ebook Be A Stargazer
This information sold on eBay as
Be A Stargazer
Be A Stargazer- A Guide to Astronomy ebook w/resell
eBook-Hobby - Be a Stargazer - Guide to Astronomy
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.14 0 komentar
Label: Astronomy
Free Ebook : Shareware Creator
This information sold on eBay as
Shareware Creator - Create Time-Limited Software
Shareware Creator Protect Your Software and Ebooks
Shareware Creator With Full Source Code and PLR
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.12 0 komentar
Label: Software
HYBRID CARS: The Whole Truth Revealed
This information sold on eBay as
HYBRID CARS: The Whole Truth Revealed! EBOOK
$$ The Insiders Guide to Hybrid Cars ebook Free Bonus
Hybrid Cars SECRETS You Need To Know Before Purchase
Hybrid CARS Truth VEHICLES Save on GAS Environment HELP
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.10 0 komentar
Label: Otomotif
Free Advertising System
This information sold on eBay as
Free Advertising System
Free Advertising Marketing System w/Instant Download!!!
Free Advertising System EBOOK real success online
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.08 0 komentar
Label: Advertising
A Quick And Easy Guide To Baby Showers
This information sold on eBay as
A Quick And Easy Guide To Baby Showers
Baby Shower Planning Guide~Memorable Showers eBook
The ebook can be downloaded here
di 13.05 0 komentar
Label: Baby
Free Ebooks: Electronic
Electronic Concepts.pdf
This e-book teaches electronics theory with focus on fault isolation. It is a very short book, yet it covers basic networks, transistor circuits and integrated circuit operation. Each chapter in this book links to an online circuit animations, and online tutorials. The book is designed to be a quick read. It is not intended todi 12.58 0 komentar
Label: Electronic
Free Ebook Art : The Royal Museum at Naples
The ancient Roman and Greek cultures had a very different attitude about sexuality than successive European cultures, more akin to that of the Kama Sutra. This, of course, was unimaginable to latter day Europeans, who rigidly compartmentalized body, mind and spirit, and to whom any sexuality was sinful and morbid. Some of the best artistic expressions of this can be found in the recovered city of Pompeii. Pompeii was frozen in time by the volcanic eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D., and not unearthed until 1748. Pompeii was a seaside resort, devoted to the arts, relaxation, and the pursuit of pleasure. The excavators were horrified to discover erotic frescos, mosaics, statuary and phallic votive objects. The moveable erotic artifacts were taken to Naples and kept in seclusion in the Royal Museum. The erotic wall and floor art had lockable metal boxes constructed over them and were displayed to tourists for an extra fee (women and children excluded). When I visited Pompeii in the late 1960s, this peepshow was still in operation.
di 18.06 0 komentar
Label: Art
Free Ebook Art : A Basic Call to Consciousness
The following comprises a very powerful message given by the Hau de no sau nee (or traditional Six nations council at Onondaga) also called the Iroquois Confederacy "to the Non-governmental Organizations (NGOs) of the United Nations in Geneva, Switzerland in September, 1977. The Non-governmental Organizations had called for papers which describe the conditions of oppression suffered by Native people under three subject headings, with supportive oral statements to be given to the commissions. The Hau de no sau nee, the traditional Six nations council at Onondaga, sent forth three papers which constitute an abbreviated analysis of Western history, and which call for a consciousness of the Sacred Web of Life in the Universe."
di 18.05 0 komentar
Label: Art
Free Ebook Art : A History Of Greek Art
With an Introductory Chapter on Art in Egypt and Mesopotamia BY F. B. TARBELL PROFESSOR OF CLASSICAL ARCHAEOLOGY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO PREFACE. The art of any artistically gifted people may be studied with
various purposes and in various ways. One man, being himself an
artist, may seek inspiration or guidance for his own practice;
another, being a student of the history of civilization, may
strive to comprehend the products of art as one manifestation of a
people's spiritual life; another may be interested chiefly in
tracing the development of artistic processes, forms, and
subjects; and so on. But this book has been written
di 18.02 0 komentar
Label: Art